February 2022: Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) dropped to 3.11 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Majene Regency

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February 2022: Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) dropped to 3.11 percent

Release Date : May 9, 2022
File Size : 1.29 MB


  • The number of labor force in February 2022 was 716.90 thousand people, down 0.43 thousand people compared to February 2021. In line with the decline in the number of labor force, the level of labor force participation (TPAK) also fell by 2.81 percent points.

  • Open unemployment (TPT) in February 2022 by 3.11 percent, down 0.17 percent points compared to February 2021.

  • The residents who worked as many as 694.62 thousand people had increased by 0.79 thousand people from February 2021. Jobs that experienced the largest percentage of the construction sector (2.08 percent points). While the sector that experienced the biggest decline was the large and retail trade sector, repairs and maintenance of cars and motorbikes (1.92 percent points).

  • A total of 518.18 thousand people (74.60 percent) worked in informal activities, down 2.12 percent points compared to February 2021.

  • The percentage of unemployed workers increased by 2.98 percent points, while the percentage of part -time workers dropped by 2.58 percent points compared to February 2021.

  • Badan Pusat Statistik

    BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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