August 2020, Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Sulawesi Barat of 3.32 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Majene Regency

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August 2020, Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Sulawesi Barat of 3.32 percent

Release Date : November 5, 2020
File Size : 0.24 MB


• The labor force in August 2020 as much as 696.12 thousand, up 15.35 thousand compared to August 2019. In line with the increase in the total labor force, Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) increased by 0.30 percent pain.
• Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2020 of 3.32 percent, or 23.13 thousand people, showing an increase of 2.85 thousand or 0.34 percent compared to August 2019 pain.
• People who work as much as 672.99 thousand, an increase of 12.51 thousand from August 2019. Employment is the increasing percentage of the population working mainly on Agriculture (3.37 percentage points) and Health Services (0.17 percent pain) , While employment has decreased primarily a pad of Industries (0.93 percent pain) and Commerce (0, 76 percent pain).
• A total of 488, 78 thousand people (72.63 percent) work in informal activities, while working in the formal sector as much as 184.20 thousand (27.37 percent). The working population in the informal sector in August 2020 increased by 0, 72 Pain percent compared to August 2019.
• There were 120.52 thousand or reach 12.15 per cent of the working age population that is affected Covid-19. Affected the working age population amounted to 18.43 percent in urban areas is much higher than in rural areas, which was recorded at 10.53 percent.
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